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Начало > Новые идеи > limited liability company with a zero balance
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from:  arinas68 at: 29.06.2022 15:41
subject: limited liability company with a zero balance

Hi all. How do I close a limited liability company with a zero balance?

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from:  Lysii Arasa at: 29.06.2022 15:55
subject: re:limited liability company with a zero balance

In order to close a LLC with a zero balance sheet, the decision of its participants or the sole participant is necessary. General meeting of participants or the sole participant decides on the liquidation of a zero balance sheet LLC and appoints the liquidation commission, its chairman (or liquidator) (hereinafter - the liquidator). But I would advise you to try to restore your business. For example, look into the question of how to start an llc in virginia. For me it was very profitable and my LLC is now stable

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from:  mamarika at: 29.06.2022 16:35
subject: re:limited liability company with a zero balance

General meeting of the co-founders, where they take a recorded decision on closure.
Submission of the relevant minutes to the state registrar.
Application to the tax office for an audit.
If necessary, payment of debts, fines and penalties.

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