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Начало > Different kind of lists

Different kind of lists
Все темы You can view all topics of all public forums on one page, and you can sort them however you want.
All messages You can view all messages from all public forums on one page, and you can sort them however you want.
Color skins You can view the color skins available in the system, and if you are an administrator, you can create a new one.
Users Have a look at the registered users, you can sort the list by first visit, post number or rating.
Polls You can view the results of any polls posted by different users, and you can vote for them.
Smilies You can view the set of smilies in the current system here.
BB codes You can view the set of ubb codes in the current system here.

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Бог коварен, но незлонамерен.
(Альберт Эйнштейн)
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